Knee Treatment
Ligament Reconstruction
- Arthroscopic ligament reconstruction is needed when a patient has injured his knee and tore a ligament.
- There are many ligaments in the Knee, connecting thigh bone and leg bone.
- While some ligaments re-join after injury, some may not. Your surgeon will examine you thoroughly to identify the ligaments that are injured.
- MRI in needed only in rare cases to decide on treatment.
Meniscal Repair
- Meniscus in structure in the knee that protects joint from degeneration.
- Meniscus may be injured when in is twisted, while playing or in other injuries in to knee.
- Arthroscopy helps in identifying the tear and repairing it, thereby avoiding severe damages at a later date.
Knee Arthroscopy
- Arthroscopy is the technique of seeing inside a joint, with a special instrument known as arthroscope.
- Arthroscope can be inserted using small stab incisions, without tearing the muscles and fascia around the joint.
- The patient is benefited by less pain, almost no blood loss, and quick recovery.
- Arthroscopy is the only method of diagnosing joint problems at the earliest stage, allowing accurate treatment.
Redo of failed knee surgeries
- A lot factors can result in a surgery not resulting in a good improvement for patients.
- These may be due to Surgeon factors, Environmental factors or patient factors.
- Being an expert in this field, a lot failed surgery patients are referred here. These patients require very careful analysis of what went wrong the first time, and a perfect treatment will cure the patient.
Correction of complications by Quack Treatment
- Quackery is an unfortunate reality in India. Even educated people get cheated by quacks, mainly out of the belief that such quackery is a “natural” or “siddha” or “Ayurveda” method of treatment.
- A trained Siddha or Ayurveda doctor will quickly explain that these quacks are not practitioners of their field.
- While most seek such quacks have only minimal injuries, which get better on their own, sometimes people with severe injuries fall in their trap and suffer a lot.
Knee stiffness release
- One of worst complications of seeing a quack or sub optimal treatment at early stage is knee becoming stiff.
- A stiff knee is one that cannot be bent.
- This means that the patient cannot sit, or walk properly.
- All activity of daily life become challenging.
- Arthroscopy along with open surgery, as indicated, will restore the function.
Knee preserving arthroscopy
- Obesity and sedentary lifestyle are the leading causes of early onset joint pains in our population.
- Knee joint pain, which is a normal ageing process, occurs at an early age.
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding obesity, having strong bones and muscles, are the solutions to avoid damage to the knee.
- However, in spite of patients’ best efforts, knee pain does occur at young age.
- Careful evaluation of the problem and early remedial measures can arrest the knee damage.
- Whenever required, arthroscopy can help to identify and treat the lesion at its onset itself.